Chapter 6. The Knee

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If you’re already familiar with the show, you’ll know that these stories are based upon the writings of Oscar Garret, a kid who lived at the Motel Americana in the 80’s and who bugged the rooms. The audio surveillance footage that Oscar captured clearly served as the source material for his semi-fictional writings, and those writings serve as the source material for the audio drama that’s presented here.

A full account of my encounter with Oscar and how I came into possession of his writings and audio footage can be found in episodes one and two. Wherever possible, I have integrated the original surveillance recordings into the narrative.

Which is the case with The Knee. Though this is the sixth episode to be released, it was actually the first I produced. It was the first because the text is so faithful to the verbal exchanges Oscar’s bugs captured, and so it was the easiest to sort through and assemble in a way that made any sort of narrative sense in the audio format.

Which smacks ironic because given the nature of the story you’re about to hear, making sense is just about the last phrase I’d have foreseen using in an introduction to it.   

Why The Knee is the sixth episode to be released instead of the sixth bears some explanation.


[6] The Knee, Room 42

Posted Posted in Listen

Easily the oddest of Oscar’s tales to date, Lloyd Farberware, a regular tenant of the Motel Americana, is forced to sell his prized possession– a set of rare dominoes– in order to recover his Uncle Louie’s knee (really, his half leg).
